Academic Positions
Research Scientist 2024-
Discrete Event Simulation Research Team, RIKEN Center for Computational Science
Postdoctor Researcher 2020-2024
Research Group Dynamics of Social Behavior, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
PhD in Game Theory 2016-2020
School of Mathematics, Cardiff University
- Thesis: Understanding responses to environments for the Prisoner’s Dilemma; A machine learning approach
MSc in Operational Research and Applied Statistics 2015-2016
School of Mathematics, Cardiff University
- Thesis: The Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Thesis Mark: 82/100
- Graduated with: Distinction
BA in Business Planning and Information Systems 2011-2015
School of Management and Economy, Technological Educational Institute of Patras
- Thesis: Research on the allocation of students in Business Administration Departments
- Thesis Mark: 10/10
- GPA: 7.8/10
- Intership: Registry Office Assistant
- Continuing Fellowship Funds - £600
- Student Travel Award for JupyterCon - $3000
- Cardiff University CUROP Award: Further game theoretic dynamics of Rhino poaching - £2100
- Student Travel Award of SIAM UKIE Annual Meeting - £80
- Student Travel Award of SIAM UKIE National Student Chapter - £40
- Funded to attend Summer School on Network Theory in France approximately - £900
- EURO bursary for the NATCOR course on Stochastic Modelling - £325
- Sustainable Software Institute Fellowship - £3000
- PostDoc representative Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
- Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute (SSI)
- Member of PyDiff and PyData Cardiff
- Member of SWORDS and the OR Society
- Member of Phoenix Project
- Volunteer for PyCon NA 2017 and 2018
- Volunteer, Speaker and co organiser of SoapBox Science Cardiff
- Volunteer for PyCon UK
- Coach for Django Girls and co organiser of Django Girls UK
- Member and treasurer of SIAM-Chapter Cardiff University
- Co organiser of Women in Mathematics Cardiff University
- I won 1st place at the 3 Minute Thesis organised in the Mathematics Department of Cardiff University in 2017.
- I won 2nd place for a poster presentation at the SIAM UKIE Annual Meeting in 2018.
- I won 3rd place at the 3 Minute Thesis by the Doctoral Academy of Cardiff University in 2018.
- I was awarded “Graduate Tutor/Demonstrator of the Year” by the Enriching Student Life Awards of Cardiff University in 2019.
- I was nominated by the students of the Mathematics Department at Cardiff University for the “Most approachable / friendliest member of staff” in 2019.
- I was amongst the few selected applicants to present my work at STEM for Britain 2019 which takes place in the Houses of Parliament.