New publication: Conditional cooperation with longer memory
Strategies in repeated games vary widely in complexity. A common way to quantify a strategy's complexity is by the amount of memory it uses, ranging from m...
New publication: Evolution of reciprocity with limited payoff memory
Direct reciprocity facilitates cooperation in repeated social interactions. Traditional models suggest that individuals learn to adopt conditionally cooper...
A Speed Introduction to Creating a Website
This is a very quick and simple introduction on creating and putting online a personal or any other website. We won’t delve into the details of making our we...
Are there publications in Mathematics written only by women?
Earlier this month I attended the 18th International Conference on Social Dilemmas. The conference was a great experience and I would highly recommend it i...
My experience of JupyterCon 2018.
Project Jupyter is a non profit organisation created to provide services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages. Project Jupyter is...
The experience of Soapbox Science Cardiff 2018
Soapbox Science 2018 took place in Cardiff on the \(2^{nd}\) of June. The aim of the event is to promote STEM subjects and more specifically the role of wome...
Resultants in SymPy
I have recently been doing some work related to systems of polynomial equations. This work has lead me to study several academics papers on resultant theory....
Soapbox Science Cardiff 2018
Soapbox Science is an interactive public outreach activity that aims to promote science to a public audience. More specifically, the spotlight is on the role...
Our experiences of PyConNA 2018.
by Nikoleta Glynatsi and Geraint Palmer.
Choosing reviewers.
I recently came across the joy of submitting an article to a journal for publication. I soon came to the conclusion that the process of submission is both ex...
The power of memory.
In game theory the game the prisoner’s dilemma has been used since the 1950’s to study interactions. Such as biological and social interactions. The prisoner...
An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Model of Rhino Horn Devaluation.
Τhe name rhinoceros means `nose horn’ which is often shortened to rhino. The name comes from the Greek words rhino (nose) and ceros (horn). There are five sp...
Another side of Tit For Tat. Verifying an article from the 1980s.
It has been almost one and a half years since I started working on the prisoner's dilemma (this is not a complaint) and I still get amazed by the amount of ...
Python, Graphs and Game of Thrones
(The following blog contains spoilers for the TV series Game of Thrones)
Representing Evolved Sophisticated strategies using Tikz
Researchers have struggled for years to understand the conditions under which cooperation can emerge. The applications of such research can be found in indu...
Grudges, War and Game of Thrones
You will often see me talking about Game Theory. But what is Game Theory and more importantly what does it allow us to comprehend?
Summer School on Network Theory
The Communication and Information in Games on NEtworks (CIGNE) research group organised this summer the first summer school on Network Theory. The summer sch...